
Season 3

301- Kings of Corn Corn Warriors: Season 3 David Hula and Randy Dowdy bring in the 2019 planting season with some exciting and innovative practices. David Hula is strip tilling and Randy Dowdy is trying his hand at some land in Florida. These two record...

Season 2

201- One Hundred Percent Gnats Corn Warriors: Season 2 Corn King, David Hula and World Record breaking, Randy Dowdy go head to head in the premiere of season 2 of Corn Warriors. They have both yielded over 500 bushels per acre, but only one of...

The Podfather | Season 1

[vc_row][vc_column][edgtf_elements_holder number_of_columns="two-columns" switch_to_one_column="1024"][edgtf_elements_holder_item background_image="15167" item_padding="21.5% 0" horizontal_aligment="center" animation_name="fade-in" animation_delay="300" item_padding_1280_1440="25% 0"][edgtf_video_button video_link=""][/edgtf_elements_holder_item][edgtf_elements_holder_item item_padding="0 15% 0 17%" item_padding_1024_1280="8% 15% 8% 17%" item_padding_768_1024="8% 10%" item_padding_600_768="10%" item_padding_480_600="70px 45px" item_padding_480="70px 45px"][edgtf_section_title title_text="101 - Soy Story" subtitle_text="The Podfather: Season 1" text_align="left" animate_on_appear="yes"]Matt Miles introduces us to his farm and gives...

Season 1

[vc_row][vc_column][edgtf_elements_holder number_of_columns="two-columns" switch_to_one_column="1024"][edgtf_elements_holder_item background_image="15136" item_padding="21.5% 0" horizontal_aligment="center" animation_name="fade-in" animation_delay="300" item_padding_1280_1440="25% 0"][edgtf_video_button video_link=""][/edgtf_elements_holder_item][edgtf_elements_holder_item item_padding="0 15% 0 17%" item_padding_1024_1280="8% 15% 8% 17%" item_padding_768_1024="8% 10%" item_padding_600_768="10%" item_padding_480_600="70px 45px" item_padding_480="70px 45px"][edgtf_section_title title_text="101- Yellow Gold, That's Right" subtitle_text="Corn Warriors: Season 1" text_align="left" animate_on_appear="yes"]Five American farmers take to the field on...

PWR Score Explained

[embed][/embed] [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Have you always wondered what it takes to be the Corn King?  Well, it takes an incredible amount of determination combined with the experience and drive to be the very best in your industry.  These Warriors have what it takes and are all graded each...